Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Publication Update: The State of the Hydrosphere - From a Biological Perspective

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Many of you came to Barbara Rose Johnston’s talks on campus last month where she mentioned this upcoming  article. 

Here is the link to the Table of Contents for the new environmental and social science journal focused on water issues;  'Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water'  or WIREs Water.

Barbara Johnston and I co-authored an opinion piece in the upcoming first issue of the journal titled “The precarious state of the hydrosphere: why biocultural health matters.” 

While the fundamental role of water as a human need and a human right has been acknowledged by the United Nations and member states, too often strategies to secure that right conflict with the competing interests and actions for the same resource. We are approaching a global tipping point in the hydrosphere where the biocultural sustainability of water resources is threatened by the cumulative and synergistic impacts of degenerative changes. When water that sustains life, livelihoods, and culture is threatened, the cultural stability and diversity of peoples and their environment is also threatened. Achieving long-term sustainability of our hydrosphere requires re-embedding social, cultural, and environmental concerns within and throughout the local, regional, and global systems that plan, finance, develop, manage, and use our world's water. WIREs Water 2013. doi: 10.1002/wat2.1003

Advance publication is now available online:  http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)2049-1948/earlyview.  
If you would like a copy of our essay and are unable to access the Wiley content via university or institutional subscription, drop us a line and we will send you our essay.

All the Best and thanks!

Barbara Rose Johnston and Shirley J. Fiske

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