Monday, November 18, 2013

UMD Anthropology Department Presentations at AAA

Attending American Anthropological Association's 2013 Annual Meeting next week? Many of UMD Department of Anthropology's own are presenting and (co-)chairing panels. For more information about the meeting or to search the complete program, visit the

Schedule of Department Presenters:

Wednesday, November 20, 2013, morning

Dr. Janet Chernela
8-9:45 am
Session: The Future of NGO Studies
Presentation: For the Time-Being: Project Development and Time in Southeastern Amazon

Wednesday, November 20, 2013, afternoon

Matt Palus

12-3:45 pm
Session: The Distress of Things: Materiality, Agency and Ethics
Presentation: Machine Truths: Marcuse on Technology, Agency, and Ethics

Thursday, November 21, 2013, morning

Dr. Thurka Sangaramoorthy
8-11:45 am
Session: The Politics of Healthcare Access and Belonging
Presentation: Treating Difference: The Paradox of HIV/AIDS Prevention in Haitian Communities

Dr. Jen Shaffer
8-9:45 am
Session: Humans in the Landscape: Empirical Approaches to Landscape Change
Presentation: Signals in the Noise: Local Knowledge for Anticipating Change in a Complex Socio-Ecological System

Thursday, November 21, 2013, afternoon

Dr. Elijah Edelman
1:45-5:15 pm
Session: Troubling and (Re)making the Masculine Voice of Publics: Language Variation as a Semiotic Resource for Competeing Masculinities
Presentation: Publicly Trans and Trans Publics: Visibility and Trans Masculinities

Dr. Suzanne Heurtin-Roberts

4-5:45 pm
Session: Innovative Research Methods in Applied Anthropology
Poster: But Will It Work Here? Anthropology and Implementation Science

Friday, November 22, 2013, morning

Dr. Lynn Bolles
8-11:45 am
Session: Anthropologies and Feminisms: Our History, Our Present, Our Future Part 1
Presentation: The Curious Relationship Between Feminist Anthropology and Women's Studies

Dr. Janet Chernela
Session: Anthropologies and Feminisms: Our History, Our Present, Our Future Part 1
Presentation: Making Waves: The Role of the Ruth Benedict Collective in the Development of a Feminist Anthropology

Dr. Niel Tashima
9:30-11:30 am
NAPA/AAA Expo Welcome Brunch

Dr. Tony Whitehead
8-9:45 am
Session: Religion, Exchange and Blackness
Presentation: From "Accidental Anthropologist" to "Man in the Middle": Codifying the Culture Concept As An Applied Science

Friday, November 22, 2013, afternoon

Dr. Lynn Bolles

1:45-3:30 pm
Session: Black Women's Intellectual and Political Work Chicago Style: Conversations with Cathy Cohen and Barbara Ransby

Dr. Jaqueline Messing
1:45-5:30 pm
Session: Strategies and Performances of Temporal Heterglossia
Presentation: New Identities and Heterglossia in Conquest and Contemporary Indigenous Mexican Narrative

6:15-8 pm
Associate of Black Anthropologist Awards Program
Dr. Lynn Bolles to be presented with a Legacy Award

Saturday, November 23, 2013, morning

Dr. Shirley Fiske

10:15 am - 12 pm
Session: Understanding Present and Future Engagements: The Nature of Anthropological Knowledge in a World of Global Environmental Change

Dr. Niel Tashima
10:15 am - 12 pm
Session: What's at Stake? A Discussion of Transparency, Authenticity, Application, Theory, and Accessibility in Public Anthropology

Saturday, November 23, 2013, afternoon

Dr. Shirley Fiske
12:15-1:30 pm
Session: A National Network of Social Observatories: The Role of Anthropology

Dr. George Hambrecht
1:45-5:30 pm
Session: Community Managed Continuity and Change: Cultural Codes for Sustainability
Presentation: Conserving the Viking Commons: Trees, Birds, Seals, and Caribou

Kristin Sullivan
1:45-3:30 pm
Session: Making Identities Work: The Embodied Politics of Rurality in the 21st Century
Presentation: Hunting Decoy Carvers and the Embodiment of Working Heritage

Dr. Shirley Fiske
4-5:45 pm
Session: Evolving Adaptation to Climate Change

Dr. Niel Tashima
4-5:45 pm
Session: Do the Right Thing: Ethics in Anthropological Practice

Information about the Careers Expo:

For the 8th year, the National Association of Practicing Anthropologists (NAPA) and the AAA Office on Practicing and Applied Programs present the Careers Exposition at the AAA meeting in Chicago.  The Expo provides a readily accessible opportunity for students and new/emerging professional anthropologists to broaden their understanding of the important and creative opportunities for using their skills.  The Expo features professional and practicing anthropologists who highlight the creative ways that anthropologists use their skills featuring some of the many new and emerging careers paths open to professional anthropologists.  Last year over 500 people attended the Expo including faculty interested in being able to share cutting edge opportunities with students.

This year, over 40 professional anthropologists in government, private sector, and non-profit careers will be available to share their career paths and to discuss career development. NAPA will also have an instant mentoring booth at the Expo.  The Expo is open from 11 am to 4 pm on Friday the 22nd in the Exhibit Hall and is open to everyone attending the AAA.  Watch for more information on NAPA and AAA LinkedIn pages, blogs, and, email blasts.  Look for flyers at the meeting with the Expo map showing this year’s participants. 

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