Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Extended Call for Papers on the Anthropology of Food: NEAA Bulletin

Call for Papers - Extended Deadline to December 1, 2013

The Anthropology of Food

The field of anthropology perhaps more than any other academic discipline knows very well that what you eat tells us a lot about who you are.  Eating is one of the few fundamental things we all have to do.  Culture and biology work together to shape our identity through our food by moderating what, when, and where we eat.  For this issue of the NEAA Bulletin we are looking for a diverse set of submissions that span the biocultural dimensions of food and the human experience across time and space.  Broad topical areas for inclusion in this volume are meant to encompass the five fields of holistic anthropological inquiry.  A sample of themes includes: methodological and theoretical approaches to investigating the anthropology of food and foodways (e.g., through the lens of ethnic identity, gender, kinship, religion, language, political and economic systems, and/or social structures); the biocultural evolution of the human diet (e.g., drawing from the fields of primatology, paleoanthropology, archaeology, and/or molecular biology); the political-economy of food systems and food policy (e.g., globalization and consolidation of world food production and consumption, agricultural subsidies, food waste, climate change, biotechnology, farm labor, fair trade, food rights, food justice and/or food sovereignty); and world food problems (e.g., food insecurity, hunger, malnutrition, obesity and/or health disparities).  In addition to traditional article formats we welcome other innovative mediums for exploring the anthropology of food. 

If you are interested in submitting an article for inclusion in the Anthropology of Food issue of the NEAA Bulletin please submit a 200 word abstract/proposal to Barrett P. Brenton, Guest-Editor, brentonb@stjohns.eduby December 1, 2013.  We are expecting a tight publication schedule so that accepted submissions will be included in the Spring 2014 issue. 

The NEAA Bulletin is a peer-reviewed series published regularly by the Northeastern Anthropological Association. The Bulletin is designed to promote and disseminate original high quality anthropological scholarship. The series is intended for professional anthropologists and students. The NEAA Bulletin publishes research covering the traditional four fields of anthropology as well as applied work.

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